Friday, July 20, 2007

Au revoir!

Last day here, we had one more meal in the old town. As we left the restaurant, there were street performers on stilts (hilarious) for the last day of the festival.


Short trip to Montreal last Saturday. It was a nice visit but began to rain in the afternoon (again). Montreal has a big-city attitude. Nice, but Quebec City is still my favorite.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Encore le festival et la vieille ville

Class continues to be very demanding and the weather alternates between beautiful and rainy/chilly but we still manage to go downtown for the festival concerts and dinner. I've been to a handful of concerts, having fun exploring different music genres. I have to say that everyone I have heard here has been very good and I would go to see again, ex. Derek Trucks band, Zachary Richard, Francis Cabrel, Kila, Manu Chao, Gogol Bordello, Jean-Paul DesLauriers and Dawn Tyler Watson, Hammerfall, (missed Los Lobos and Nickelback because I didn't want to stand in the rain). This is what I have heard and learned:
Contemporary Quebecois=Cajun + Techno
Celtic Fusion=Irish + Reggae
Native American (Inuit?)=Eskimo + Country
Gypsy-Punk=Hard Rock + Polka
Derek Trucks=one of top 3 blues guitarists ever
Plan to go to Montreal tomorrow, so I'll have more pics by Monday! A tantôt! Research reports will get done eventually....

Views of Quebec City from the Observatory

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Yesterday we went to the Côte de Beaupré and the Île d'Orléans. Côte de Beaupré is just east of Quebec City and the Île d'Orléans is an island near the south bank of the St. Lawrency river. Both areas are rural and really beautiful--New Englandish. We stopped at the St. Anne de Beaupré Basilica, which I had seen once or twice before. Walking around outside the church, I noticed a path going up the hill, or the cape really that runs along the river. On the path were life-size bronze statues of the Stations of the Cross, which started at the bottom and went uphill. Very cool.
Then we went to the island and had lunch at an Auberge with a great view. Good meal too. Pumpkin soup!

Our last stop were the Chutes de Montmorency, or Montmorency falls. I had also been there before, but again, it all looks different without 10 feet of snow!

Friday, July 6, 2007

le festival

There are soundstages set all over downtown Quebec City for their annual Festival d'été, see artists at . It lasts for 10 days and there some surprisingly impressive bands on the list. Yesterday was opening day and we all were looking forward to buying our 'macaron,' which is what they call the pin you buy for $30 giving you access to all concerts--not a bad deal at all.

After class yesterday a bus was waiting for us to bring us to la vieille ville for a visit at the Musée de la civilisation which was very impressive. We weren't allowed to take pictures inside, but there were several really good exhibitions. My favorites were the history of Québécois cinema--extremely high tech expo, another that showed the research that went into the Tintin books, "Le temple du soleil" and "Les 7 boules de Cristal"--great art.

After the museum, we skipped out on the bus to bring us back to campus and stayed in the old city for dinner on the Boulevard du Petit Champlain, and the festival. Everyone wanted to stay at the big stage to watch Cowboy Frangant, a Québécois rock band that's really popular, but I struck out on my own to find the blues stage where The Derek Trucks Band (one of my faves) was playing. Concert was fantastic! The weather turned out to be nice, no rain as expected. The flash on my old camera wasn't good enough to get a good pic of the band but later I'll post a picture of Scène Métro, a really cool set-up right in the middle of the city. Much more on the festival to come, but tonight I have a couple of reports to finish for class. Tomorrow is a trip to l'Île d'Orléans, an island community in the middle of the St. Lawrence River.