Sunday, July 8, 2007

Yesterday we went to the Côte de Beaupré and the Île d'Orléans. Côte de Beaupré is just east of Quebec City and the Île d'Orléans is an island near the south bank of the St. Lawrency river. Both areas are rural and really beautiful--New Englandish. We stopped at the St. Anne de Beaupré Basilica, which I had seen once or twice before. Walking around outside the church, I noticed a path going up the hill, or the cape really that runs along the river. On the path were life-size bronze statues of the Stations of the Cross, which started at the bottom and went uphill. Very cool.
Then we went to the island and had lunch at an Auberge with a great view. Good meal too. Pumpkin soup!

Our last stop were the Chutes de Montmorency, or Montmorency falls. I had also been there before, but again, it all looks different without 10 feet of snow!